Cánh Thư Viện Một

Cánh Đầu: Tổ Ngụ Ẩn Sâu

Là cánh mà được các lãng khách mới đến tìm thấy nhiều nhất tại Thư Viện. Hơn bất cứ thư viện nào, nơi đây biểu tượng phủ rừng bạt ngàn - với các kệ sách gỗ cao to hiện thân như những hàng cây, lớn dần theo tự nhiên và bao trùm các cuốn sách xếp hàng dài trên lưng chúng. Thứ mà đã trở thành những tán che ánh nắng bằng các cành lá và dây leo xum xuê trên đầu. Những chú chim đang thi hót đâu đó, một con suối phàn nàn róc rách về những cuốn sách thiếu chất thủy chảy. Chào mừng tới Tổ Ngụ, Lãng Khách.

Kệ Vua Shash: HN 0.00 - 0.99

Vị vua của sự lười biếng, vương triều của ngài ở tất cả nơi mà hoạt động của đàn lười chiếm đóng, giữa trái tim của những người cống hiến chơi bời hơn lao động. Ngài và quân đội bí mật của ngài đã gây dựng chuẩn bị có một trận chiến tranh chống lại việc làm, một trận thánh chiến vì một vũ trụ chỉ có thể kết thúc khi toàn bộ hoạt động tại thiên vân đều ngưng đọng, một sự hỗn loạn hoàn toàn, không thể cản phá.

HN 0.01: On The Common Vampyre
HN 0.02: Leavings Of Another World
HN 0.03: Jack of Trades
HN 0.04: Vị Lãng Khách Bất Tận Trên Thế Gian
HN 0.05: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Twentieth Cycle, Tresday
HN 0.06: Following the Paper Trail
HN 0.07: The Exhibition
HN 0.08: Twelfth of Ater
HN 0.09: 81st Turn Seventh Year Sixteenth Cycle Chroday
HN 0.11: Stars wait for no man.
HN 0.12: Make Like A Tree
HN 0.13: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Nineteenth Cycle, Erevday
HN 0.14: Sludge Thompkins in: The Phantom From the Deep! (pt. 1)
HN 0.15: Nearer, My Death, to Thee
HN 0.16: The Whoremongers Of Misty Mountain
HN 0.17: Eulogy
HN 0.18: If You Sucked Blood, I'd Be Your Bud
HN 0.19: Zovar the Great
HN 0.20: The Fifth Syllable
HN 0.21: Rất Mạnh
HN 0.22: The Troublesome Old Soldier
HN 0.23: Mister Monster's Introductory Guide to the Interdimensional Marble Hunting Game
HN 0.24: Conversations
HN 0.25: With the Fates of Gods
HN 0.26: Business Letter
HN 0.27: Sword of Galu
HN 0.28: The Association of Entities That Never Did Exist
HN 0.29: A Love Letter
HN 0.30: Ask The Universe Dad
HN 0.31: Introductory Notes to Of The Damned
HN 0.32: The Meadow of Silence
HN 0.33: Breakup Poem
HN 0.34: Citizen’s Report
HN 0.35: Elrichian Almanac
HN 0.36: The Frazerism (Also known as The bible of Frazer, the Frazeronomicon or by other such names)
HN 0.37: Vultures
HN 0.38: The Sleep and his Six Children
HN 0.39: Names
HN 0.40: The Maladies of Blikethus the Old
HN 0.41: Unseen Things
HN 0.42: Under the Tree
HN 0.43: The Eyes In The Dark
HN 0.44: Price Check On A Darling Duelist
HN 0.45: Deeper
HN 0.46: Grandfather Scorpion
HN 0.47: Hush
HN 0.48: Cont. on Pg. 13
HN 0.49: Vel, Second Rotation, 5099
HN 0.50: Battle of the White Waves
HN 0.51: The Throne of the Usurper
HN 0.52: To Be a Porter
HN 0.53: Homicidal Intercourse
HN 0.54: Excerpt from the transcribed journals, manuscripts, and letters of Lady Juanita Del Rio
HN 0.55: coldcircuit
HN 0.56: A Multavian Fable
HN 0.57: The Devil Went Down to Sounion
HN 0.58: Cha của Con, Con Trai
HN 0.59: Bizzare Rumors And My Findings On Them
HN 0.60: Poor Excuse
HN 0.61: In the Capital
HN 0.62: Ashes
HN 0.63: Pareidolia
HN 0.64: Great Cowbird
HN 0.65: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Twenty-First Cycle, Skalday
HN 0.66: Day in the "Life"
HN 0.67: Everyone Only Suffers
HN 0.68: Stars
HN 0.69: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Eighteenth Cycle, Skalday
HN 0.70: The King's Secret
HN 0.71: Thư Giãn cùng Tôi
HN 0.72: Die Weiße Eisenbahn
HN 0.73: Another Brigaded Memory
HN 0.74: Section 121: The Nordic Draugr
HN 0.75: Maybe They've Changed
HN 0.76: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Fifteenth Cycle, Erevday
HN 0.77: General Store
HN 0.78: Stories About Power
HN 0.79: Chladni Figure
HN 0.80: Abundance
HN 0.81: Visviseha
HN 0.82: Serotina
HN 0.83: Harmattan
HN 0.84: A Loaf Story
HN 0.85: Decadent and Depraved
HN 0.86: My Mummy Brings The Groceries
HN 0.87: Wind for Erandi
HN 0.88: Slipstream Line
HN 0.89: The Soft Dark Corner
HN 0.90: The Citykeepers Collection: Tombstone Gardening.
HN 0.91: In Spring
HN 0.92: Stuck
HN 0.93: Re-(dis)orientation
HN 0.94: Shylock's Quarter
HN 0.95: For Love, You Endure
HN 0.96: Of the Masters of Books
HN 0.97: Far Places
HN 0.98: Snakes in the Ruins
HN 0.99: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Seventeenth Cycle, Chroday

Kệ Gỗ Sồi Đầu Tiên: HN 1.00 - 1.99

Cổ thụ cao nhất tại Tổ Ngụ. Nhiều Lãng Khách đã học tập kinh nghiệm dưới chân gốc cây đây, duỗi cơ khớp trên hành trình đi qua những Lối Đi và thiên không vô định. Đôi khi với tiếng gỗ lạo xạo và màu xanh thoát ngà, câu trả lời sẽ hiện rõ từ đôi môi cổ kính.

HN 1.00: A Damselfly Nymph's First Love
HN 1.01: Definitely Itching
HN 1.02: Section 201: The Trawler's Game
HN 1.03: Unveiling
HN 1.04: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, First Cycle, Marday
HN 1.05: The Heptateuch of Eve - Part 6
HN 1.06: The Scavenger's Tale: Part One
HN 1.07: The Hero Interviews Part One: The Ultimate
HN 1.08: Rebate and Resentment at Backdoor SoHo
HN 1.09: To You, My Love
HN 1.10: Trivialities
HN 1.11: Seven Offerings to the Campfire
HN 1.12: Salt Water: Chapter 1
HN 1.13: "Insects!"
HN 1.14: Venom
HN 1.16: The Magpie Leaves its Nest, Fleeing Winter
HN 1.17: Gods of Money
HN 1.18: Drifting In The Not
HN 1.19: The Fading Sky Above
HN 1.20: An Ode to Babashe
HN 1.21: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Twenty-Second Cycle, Byrday
HN 1.22: Adventures In The Book Club: The Missing Catalogue
HN 1.23: Mental River
HN 1.24: mouth full of white lies
HN 1.25: The Antarctic Model: A Failed Experiment In Ecological Engineering
HN 1.26: Misotheism: Part One
HN 1.27: Schooling On Earth
HN 1.28: Just Friends
HN 1.29: Tế Bào
HN 1.30: Stranded Star
HN 1.31: Mixed Metaphors
HN 1.32: The Island Chapter 2
HN 1.33: See The Darkness
HN 1.34: Elemental Typology
HN 1.35: Wanderers
HN 1.36: A Caution to the Wise
HN 1.37: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Fourteenth Cycle, Skalday
HN 1.38: The Family And The Home
HN 1.39: Heart Rot: Chapter 1
HN 1.40: The Reward
HN 1.41: Survival
HN 1.42: The Truth of Lies
HN 1.43: All Aboard the Cyclops
HN 1.44: Behemoths
HN 1.45: It Sees Me
HN 1.46: Snakes in Debt
HN 1.47: Diamondback Profile #005: Levi "Phoenix" Sykes
HN 1.48: Rock of Antiquity
HN 1.49: The Adventures of Cousin Dan: Rearview Eddie
HN 1.50: Gathering Storms
HN 1.51: The Rise and Fall of Muroideia
HN 1.52: Hayec-Davm and the Forgetting Plague
HN 1.53: When The Stars Were Not As Busy
HN 1.54: They Are Wrong
HN 1.55: In the Search of the Library Cat. Prologue
HN 1.56: The Deposition Of Sir John Demot
HN 1.57: Artifex
HN 1.58: Dimorphism
HN 1.59: I keep peaches where ants can reach them
HN 1.60: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Nineteenth Cycle, Tresday
HN 1.61: The Revisionists
HN 1.62: Port Salinas
HN 1.63: A Love For Reading
HN 1.64: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Twentieth Cycle, Erevday
HN 1.65: The Jelly Bean Incident
HN 1.66: Place of Mind
HN 1.67: On Thieves and Punishment
HN 1.68: Thoughts Incarnate
HN 1.69: The Hollow Stump
HN 1.70: A Brief History Of Stairs
HN 1.71: A Day In The Life Of Dr. Griffon
HN 1.72: Lecana
HN 1.73: Idolatry
HN 1.74: The Answer to All Things
HN 1.76: A letter found slipped beneath the shelves
HN 1.77: Witch Season
HN 1.78: Days Gone By
HN 1.79: The Ending Wait
HN 1.80: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Twenty-Fourth Cycle, Skalday
HN 1.81: Daylight/Nightlight
HN 1.82: Memoir of Ongwe Ias
HN 1.83: Snakes in Space
HN 1.84: Azure
HN 1.85: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Twenty-First Cycle, Erevday
HN 1.86: Sailing Through The Cursed Forest
HN 1.87: Grazel the Scholar
HN 1.88: Renmar
HN 1.89: Provenance
HN 1.90: The Island Chapter 4
HN 1.91: They See Right Through You
HN 1.92: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Twenty-Second Cycle, Skalday
HN 1.93: A Hops' Thought On The Brewing Process
HN 1.94: Left Alone
HN 1.95: In Place of Courage
HN 1.96: Night Fishing
HN 1.97: our planet, from far far away
HN 1.98: A Midsummer Night's Walk
HN 1.99: Crossway Print: Issue #002

Kệ Tàu Margery: HN 2.00 - 2.99

Kệ sách tiếp theo tại Cánh này được đặc biệt dành cho Tàu Margery. Cô hứng thú với thế giới, cô hứng thú với khu vườn của eden, cô hứng thú với những kệ sách thư viện, cô hứng thú với thế giới xung quanh và sự hứng thú của cô, hứng thú bởi những ánh đèn tỏa sáng cho khuôn tỏa của cô. Thì thầm và thầm thay, tri thức và thỉnh ấm, quay cuồng và mơ ước, thế giới là hình hài cô.

HN 2.00: Clear Skies
HN 2.01: Chapter 1: For Sorrow
HN 2.02: Tĩnh Trạng Niết Bàn
HN 2.03: Family Co. Replacement Parent User Guide
HN 2.04: The Cromwell, The Raven and Wonder
HN 2.05: Tắt Đi Trọng Lực
HN 2.06: Critical Reception
HN 2.07: 2052
HN 2.08: Fugue State
HN 2.09: Wafers And Peas
HN 2.10: Oasis of the Miraji
HN 2.11: My Thoughts Are Not My Own
HN 2.12: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Thirteenth Cycle, Chroday
HN 2.13: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Eighteenth Cycle, Erevday
HN 2.14: A Brief Respite
HN 2.15: Journal Entry: The King o' the Cats
HN 2.16: At the End o' the Sea
HN 2.17: Nekra Myrminkia (Dead Ants)
HN 2.18: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Nineteenth Cycle, Rokday
HN 2.19: Spiraling Shape
HN 2.20: A Dream of a City
HN 2.21: A Girl in the Rain
HN 2.22: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Fourteenth Cycle, Erevday
HN 2.23: Make Something: A Dolton Press Release
HN 2.24: AKA Driver
HN 2.25: An Interview With The Author
HN 2.26: Stolen Years
HN 2.27: Blindsiding
HN 2.28: Conclave
HN 2.29: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Twenty-Second Cycle, Chroday
HN 2.30: Một Cuộc Trò Chuyện Bình Thường
HN 2.31: The Mist is Hostile
HN 2.32: Polarus
HN 2.33: Mùa Đông
HN 2.34: The Other Cometh
HN 2.35: Icx, First Rotation, 5099
HN 2.36: Apate
HN 2.37: Face of Preface
HN 2.38: An Ongoing Correspondence
HN 2.39: Walking Dead Paths
HN 2.40: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Twenty Third Cycle, Chroday
HN 2.41: On Elemental Fire
HN 2.42: Why I'm Scared I'm Going to Hurt Other People
HN 2.43: Welcome to the Citadel
HN 2.44: The Red Dryad
HN 2.45: Book of the Hidden
HN 2.46: Crocodile Kevin's Cool & Quick AC Repair
HN 2.47: Frostbite
HN 2.48: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Fifteenth Cycle, Rokday, Evening
HN 2.49: The Black Hole File
HN 2.50: What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas
HN 2.51: How Grandmother Triode Stole Binary from the Sun
HN 2.52: Spring
HN 2.53: Big Red
HN 2.54: Dino Spy
HN 2.55: From the Crown Press
HN 2.56: The Clicking Keys
HN 2.57: Dark Science
HN 2.58: Doctors' Orders
HN 2.59: Collected Excerpts on the Sea Mother
HN 2.60: On the Joy of Writing
HN 2.61: Transmissionary
HN 2.62: Tales From the Marsh: Morgue City Shuffle
HN 2.63: A world of dogs
HN 2.64: Voyage to the Deep
HN 2.65: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Thirteenth Cycle, Marday
HN 2.66: Mercutio's Knight
HN 2.67: The Self-Appraising Shop
HN 2.68: One In Every Home
HN 2.69: Peace for Our Time
HN 2.70: And the sound upon the roof is only water...
HN 2.71: The Blue Creature Between
HN 2.72: On Demons
HN 2.73: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Seventeenth Cycle, Skalday
HN 2.74: Asphalmancer
HN 2.75: On the Ills of Greed
HN 2.76: From "A History of Heathens"
HN 2.77: Stone to Bind
HN 2.78: Prodigal
HN 2.79: The Six Day Week, Being an Account of Simon Heller's Last Days in the Unwaking, Part Two
HN 2.80: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Fifteenth Cycle, Skyday
HN 2.81: Morty's Meat & Munchies
HN 2.82: Art is powerful
HN 2.83: The Moon Is Out; The Stars Invite
HN 2.84: Samudra Manthana
HN 2.85: Aliens In America
HN 2.86: That time love almost went extinct.
HN 2.87: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Sixteenth Cycle, Byrday
HN 2.88: Hunting the Margrawn
HN 2.89: Interstellitigation
HN 2.90: Jupiton
HN 2.91: Beer, Guns, Aliens and Sadness
HN 2.92: Topinambour
HN 2.93: From The Earth Itself
HN 2.94: Stitch & Ditch
HN 2.95: Heavenwards; A History of Wallwalking, by Muhammad Antigonus
HN 2.96: Dressed in Greens
HN 2.97: All Rights Reserved
HN 2.98: Tattered Remains
HN 2.99: Midnight Grey Goose

Hammar - Kệ Beseecher: HN 3.00 - 3.99

Từng là hoàng đế Thiên Tầm, Hammar lảng vảng quanh những góc tối và nơi ổ chuột bẩn thỉu, cầu xin tất cả hãy trả lại cho anh vương quốc của mình. Tấm lòng từ thiện cao cả dành tặng anh những vật chất nhỏ nhặt, dù sau họ không còn mấy thấy anh ta qua các Lối Đi.

HN 3.00: Trong Hư Vô
HN 3.01: Magpies in the Archives
HN 3.02: A New Shade Of Sky
HN 3.03: The Cowardice of Aji Saka
HN 3.04: A Practical Guide To Beginner's Magic
HN 3.05: Amvat: An Introduction
HN 3.06: the body sleeping next to me
HN 3.07: Phù Thủy Cuối Cùng Của Xứ Moscow
HN 3.08: Soaring to Sol
HN 3.09: From the Mountain, Rage. Unfathomable Rage.
HN 3.10: The Heptateuch of Eve - Part 7
HN 3.11: The Obelisk
HN 3.12: A Traveler in Time
HN 3.13: How I Got My First Guitar
HN 3.14: Interplanetary Colonization
HN 3.15: Dee Equals Are Tee
HN 3.16: The Demon From Ozz
HN 3.17: My Heart Still Aches
HN 3.18: A watcher, a painter, and an unbearable wait
HN 3.19: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Spring Equinox
HN 3.20: Nebula Phoenix
HN 3.21: Homemade Venusian Cookies with Sulfurroot
HN 3.22: Of Matters in the Void
HN 3.23: shikuan-misiwe
HN 3.24: Daddy Is My Superhero
HN 3.25: Do Not Stop for Hitchhikers
HN 3.26: A Town sees Life. A Town sees Death. A Town sees Rebirth.
HN 3.27: The Night Eternal
HN 3.28: Marday?
HN 3.29: NOTICE: Timekeeping
HN 3.30: Soul
HN 3.31: The Dusk Child and Her Skeleton Knight: Part 1
HN 3.32: Are We One?
HN 3.33: A Strange Patron
HN 3.34: Multiplicity
HN 3.35: Skies of Dolton
HN 3.36: Expyrean
HN 3.37: Interstellar Radio Channel 5
HN 3.38: From Our Mailbag
HN 3.39: My Island
HN 3.40: Curious Minds
HN 3.41: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Fifteenth Cycle, Marday
HN 3.42: The Bright Summer
HN 3.43: The Island Chapter 3
HN 3.44: Sabbath
HN 3.45: The Blooming Trees
HN 3.46: What is Love?
HN 3.47: Dragon Seeker
HN 3.48: The Last Will and Testament of Lyle Alan Burnley, Heresiographer
HN 3.49: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Fourteenth Cycle, Skyday
HN 3.50: Into Stony Woods And Out
HN 3.51: Of Shadow and Puppet
HN 3.52: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Fifteenth Cycle, Chroday
HN 3.53: The Pitch
HN 3.54: The Adventures of Cousin Dan: A House Of Lean Times
HN 3.55: Glowing And Blinking Buttons And Dials
HN 3.56: Invocation of Kahek
HN 3.57: Paper Town
HN 3.58: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Fifteenth Cycle, Rokday, Morning
HN 3.59: Wind Dance Chapter 1
HN 3.60: Hither and Thither
HN 3.61: Onyx, Alabaster, Gray
HN 3.62: Piece of Paradise
HN 3.63: Photos From Another World
HN 3.64: Ill Omens & New Beginnings
HN 3.65: The Traveler and the Warlock
HN 3.66: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Twenty-Fourth Cycle, Skyday
HN 3.67: Cross Face
HN 3.68: Thus Spoke Enoch
HN 3.69: Brief Moment
HN 3.70: Pontus Euxinus
HN 3.71: Wanderers Along The Shoreline
HN 3.72: Colors
HN 3.73: Seraphic
HN 3.74: CÉCE Designate 12-Pulaski-Maraschino
HN 3.75: A Rising Wave
HN 3.76: Twerk Witches
HN 3.77: Rain
HN 3.78: The Second Ark
HN 3.79: Black Market Magic
HN 3.80: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Seventeenth Cycle, Marday
HN 3.81: Unjustly
HN 3.82: The Green Pages
HN 3.83: An Attempt To Retrieve A Forgotten Tome
HN 3.84: The Upside-Down Tree
HN 3.85: Letter Found After A Credit Card Purchase
HN 3.86: God this is all there is
HN 3.87: Children of Nergul, Volume IX
HN 3.88: Một Bức Thư Tuyệt Mệnh
HN 3.89: A collection of Nine Haiku in honour of Gaia
HN 3.90: it's okay
HN 3.91: On Dryads
HN 3.92: Excerpt From The Journal Of Archibald Hannity
HN 3.93: Rough Sleeper
HN 3.94: Mama
HN 3.95: Tourist
HN 3.96: The Steppe, The Horseman, and The Dreamer
HN 3.97: Were You There
HN 3.98: Expelled Part 1
HN 3.99: Playing Pretend

Kệ Vlad Impetus: HN 4.00 - 4.99

Tên ngài được khắc ghi trên gạch sắt; hoàng gia ngài tỏa khắp chốn nam vi. Nhưng giờ không ai nhớ về ngài, thế giới ngài có đã tàn trong đốm hỏa từ lâu. Chỉ có Lưu Trí Ẩn Pháp mới có thể kéo lại tên ngài ra khỏi bóng tối vĩnh hằng, những vinh quang sáng giá nhất vẫn rồi cần ta bảo tồn.

HN 4.00: Caring For Your Squonk
HN 4.01: "On Accompanying My Mother to the Areian Festival of Asterion (at the Age of Nine)" by Edith Hamilton V
HN 4.02: Even an Oni is Fond of Chinese Poetry
HN 4.03: Seconds
HN 4.04: Mùa Thu
HN 4.05: Ropen Overview
HN 4.06: Lir, First Rotation, 5099
HN 4.07: The First Blood
HN 4.08: Lognagh Pier Market
HN 4.09: Marigold Sailors
HN 4.10: Sadly Human
HN 4.11: A Misplaced Letter
HN 4.12: The Dead Thing
HN 4.13: Zaen Koba Journal Entries #1-5
HN 4.14: Melodies of the Plant Kingdom
HN 4.15: We Lords Of Ancient Worlds
HN 4.16: Excerpt from a manuscript donated from the personal library of the late Lady Juanita Del Rio
HN 4.17: 81st Turn Seventh Year Sixteenth Cycle Skalday
HN 4.18: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Nineteenth Cycle, Marday
HN 4.19: The Temple Of Mir
HN 4.20: Race From Outer Space
HN 4.21: something that i can't reach
HN 4.22: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Twenty-Third Cycle, Tresday
HN 4.23: Mermaid Teeth
HN 4.24: A Series of Irksome Rectangles
HN 4.25: The Theft of the Ocean's Heart
HN 4.26: Salvation Rests at the River's Edge
HN 4.27: The Multi Unitraversal
HN 4.28: On The Gentle Hair-Tooth, Unfairly Maligned Under The Slanderous Name "Demon-Mouth"
HN 4.29: Olh, First Rotation, 5099
HN 4.30: A Hand, An Eye, A Tooth
HN 4.31: Chronicle of Ulak the Drifter: Foreword
HN 4.32: What the Garden Wrought
HN 4.33: Mùa Hạ
HN 4.34: Trolls' Introductory Handbook
HN 4.35: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Twenty-First Cycle, Byrday
HN 4.36: The Rise Of The Steam Soul
HN 4.37: Worm, The Conqueror
HN 4.38: Househunting
HN 4.39: Sleepless Walkers
HN 4.40: Thinking's Bane
HN 4.41: The Minstrel
HN 4.42: Mirrorman
HN 4.43: Earth & Fire
HN 4.44: From the Editor's Desk
HN 4.45: Cenere the Dog and His Portrait
HN 4.46: Father of mine, what you left behind
HN 4.47: Hearth
HN 4.48: On the Gods of Amvat
HN 4.49: A Castellan of the English Greenwood
HN 4.50: Victoria
HN 4.51: Chroday?
HN 4.52: A Love Story Beyond Planes
HN 4.53: The Inlet at Aulis
HN 4.54: Communion
HN 4.55: The Greater City of Lesser Athens
HN 4.56: Long-Shed and Shade-Filled Skins
HN 4.58: Field of Sighs
HN 4.59: Mahabodhi
HN 4.60: The King's Garden
HN 4.61: The Journal of Aframos Longjourney, Pilgrim: An Introduction
HN 4.62: Vignettes of the End
HN 4.63: Cave-light
HN 4.64: Verusa and his Journals
HN 4.65: On The Yalthea, Both Greater and Lesser
HN 4.66: All Hallows
HN 4.67: The Back Pages
HN 4.68: A Prayer to Futility
HN 4.69: Missed Connections
HN 4.70: Irish Coffee
HN 4.71: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Eighteenth Cycle, Tresday
HN 4.72: I Dated A Teenage Cyclops, Part One: The Most Perfect Number
HN 4.73: Smile
HN 4.74: A Bud fears Bloom, Leaves blocking its View
HN 4.75: An Impromptu Excursion
HN 4.76: The Graveyard of Ideas: Speculation On The Origins and Nature Of The Library
HN 4.77: Wonder
HN 4.78: Palaemon
HN 4.79: The Book Monster
HN 4.80: An Excerpt from "Areian Diaspora - In Their Own Words: Now Fully Annotated by Famed Areiopologist Edith Hamilton IV"
HN 4.81: Những Người Mà Tôi Đã Từng
HN 4.82: Thế Giới Cháy Rụi Xung Quanh Tôi
HN 4.83: What the River Sees
HN 4.84: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Thirteenth Cycle, Skalday
HN 4.85: After The Cave Was Explored
HN 4.86: Visiting the Lake
HN 4.87: Ice Girl
HN 4.88: Beer, Guns, Capitalists and Greatness
HN 4.89: Falling
HN 4.90: Ghostly Guide to Self-Improvement
HN 4.91: On Amvat's Children
HN 4.92: Qlippoth and Sefiros
HN 4.93: Nigerian Lava Cat Husbandry Manual and Description
HN 4.94: The Heptateuch of Eve - Part 3
HN 4.95: Sacrament
HN 4.96: 81st Turn Seventh Year Sixteenth Cycle Erevday
HN 4.97: Between stars, converse with the dead.
HN 4.98: Gaining Purchase
HN 4.99: Fading

Kệ Jamshad Kal'il: HN 5.00 - 5.99

Ở khu vườn của anh, không một ai phải chịu đói khổ; bầu trời dài mãi, trải khắp núi non, một phát minh Alamut từ chính anh thiết kế. Nhưng Jamshad sẽ không tài nào được đặt chân lên chúng nữa, đứng giữa tòa tháp chọn trời, tiếng thầm thì của những kẻ đau khổ giờ nhảy múa quanh anh.

HN 5.00: Splinter
HN 5.01: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Summer Solstice
HN 5.02: Leaving Havana
HN 5.03: The Death Of Boris Yegorovich
HN 5.04: Then and Now
HN 5.05: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Thirteenth Cycle, Tresday
HN 5.06: Standard Issue Withstander Field Guide: The Nihl
HN 5.07: Closing Time
HN 5.08: Kick the Gnome
HN 5.09: A Memory
HN 5.10: ferryman
HN 5.11: I Cannot Recall My First Thought
HN 5.12: From Cyan Crow Charity Association
HN 5.13: Joke Warfare
HN 5.14: Nemitus Forest
HN 5.15: In Finite
HN 5.16: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Nineteenth Cycle, Skalday
HN 5.17: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Fourteenth Cycle, Byrday
HN 5.18: The Final Sacrifice
HN 5.19: Perejil
HN 5.20: The Woman in the Mountain
HN 5.21: Season Of Chaos
HN 5.22: Mandilus 48d
HN 5.23: What's Your Ineffable Style?
HN 5.24: I'll Take You to the Parashops
HN 5.25: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Fifteenth Cycle, Skalday
HN 5.26: The War Comes To Markettown
HN 5.27: Eha's Diary, Select Pages Of
HN 5.28: Tales From Exile
HN 5.29: The Island of Land and Ocean
HN 5.30: A Memento In Ink
HN 5.31: A Cromwell.
HN 5.32: The Peaceful Winter
HN 5.33: Skyless Heaven
HN 5.34: Ode to Marina
HN 5.35: The Totem in Air
HN 5.36: What are we to a Genius Loci, if not Aliens?
HN 5.37: Memoirs of a Ghost
HN 5.38: We'll Face the Silence Together
HN 5.39: How the Twin Gods Perverted the Soul
HN 5.40: Excerpts From An Architectural Book
HN 5.41: 81st Turn Seventh Year Sixteenth Cycle Rokday
HN 5.42: Monsoon
HN 5.43: An Analysis of "His Temple of Walls"
HN 5.44: A Legend Found Scrawled in the Margins of Edith Hamilton's Auto-Biography
HN 5.45: Descent Into The Necropolis of Atun-Katur
HN 5.46: Hello, I'm a Story.
HN 5.47: Field Guide to the Shelves, Volume One
HN 5.48: Tale of a Dusk Bunny
HN 5.49: Whistling
HN 5.50: I, Faust
HN 5.51: Rawhead and Bloody Bones
HN 5.52: Kitty
HN 5.53: Standing Stones - An Unhistory of Halloway
HN 5.54: Press Any Key to Continue
HN 5.55: Talk of the Town
HN 5.56: Words
HN 5.57: Preverna
HN 5.58: The Martyrdom of Dean Nhov
HN 5.59: Forgotten
HN 5.60: Found Pinned to the Door of Waldo Crane's Apartment
HN 5.61: A Dirty Job
HN 5.62: On Sea Pigeons
HN 5.63: The Old Folk
HN 5.64: Painted Wall
HN 5.65: Excerpt from a journal found in a brightly lit city
HN 5.66: Ask
HN 5.67: Vendetta
HN 5.68: Section 1: Identifying, Hunting, and Betraying Dragons
HN 5.69: From the Journals of Agent Hopper: Home Bittersweet Home (or Free as a Bird)
HN 5.70: Welcome to Discera
HN 5.71: Those Places Where Maps Cannot Touch
HN 5.72: Avoiding Predation
HN 5.73: An Abridged History of Chief Archivists
HN 5.74: Storm of Daggers
HN 5.75: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Twenty Fourth Cycle, Chroday
HN 5.76: Sins of the Mother
HN 5.77: The Contrary Traveler's Story
HN 5.78: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Twenty-First Cycle, Marday
HN 5.79: Library Shenanigans
HN 5.80: A Soul, Embracing EEE
HN 5.81: The Amphiptere and the Fruit
HN 5.82: Terry Mastiff's Guide to Canomancy
HN 5.83: Wounds nor Scars
HN 5.84: The Joy of Creation
HN 5.85: Kicker Of Elves
HN 5.86: Kennels and Corgis
HN 5.87: It Always Rains
HN 5.88: Mssrs. Marshall And Carter
HN 5.89: The Thousand
HN 5.90: A Revised Notice
HN 5.91: Chronicle of Ulak the Drifter
HN 5.92: Warm My Heart
HN 5.93: Ten Thousand Miles and a Sea of Smoke
HN 5.94: Monday is the New Friday
HN 5.95: Grove
HN 5.96: Into Starlight
HN 5.97: To Hide So Well, You Can't Find Yourself
HN 5.98: Cornelius the Goat Slayer
HN 5.99: Windenbrough Incongruity

Kệ Eleanor Tzu: HN 6.00 - 6.99

Mục đích của kệ này đã quá rõ ràng; ai lại chưa từng nhảy chung với Eleanor Tzu, ăn trưa cùng cô tại bờ Thượng Hải, lao vào án tử đen tối theo lệnh cô? Một ngày, ta mong rằng, xác cô rồi sẽ phục về.

HN 6.00: Purple One Eyed Space Snake
HN 6.01: Sludge Thompkins in: The Lair of the Mutant Bubblegum Lizards!
HN 6.02: A Quick Visit
HN 6.03: The Were-Witch of the Howling Woods
HN 6.04: The Heptateuch of Eve - Part 2
HN 6.05: A Quirk Of Evolution
HN 6.06: Of the Metabible
HN 6.07: Ascendor - Storming The Gates Tour 2014
HN 6.08: Mr. Johann Dark
HN 6.09: Space Man
HN 6.10: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Twenty-Third Cycle, Marday
HN 6.11: The Ties You Have
HN 6.12: So You Can Rule It
HN 6.13: The Three Kings
HN 6.14: Realmhopper's Vertigo
HN 6.15: Yud, First Rotation, 5099
HN 6.16: Silence from the Broken
HN 6.17: The Tragedy of Hanacaraka
HN 6.18: I Purchased a Story
HN 6.19: Ascension Bends
HN 6.20: Harlequin Skin
HN 6.21: Shortcuts
HN 6.22: Phù Thủy Thời Tiết Cùng Phong Tinh Linh
HN 6.23: Cooking With Zoogs!
HN 6.24: The Wordsmiths Induction
HN 6.25: Breakdown
HN 6.26: The Heptateuch of Eve - Part 1
HN 6.27: Parcoon Finds a Snack
HN 6.28: Pollution
HN 6.29: Tâmtu-me-šara
HN 6.30: Emerson's Eye
HN 6.31: The Cave Of Red Flies
HN 6.32: The Unbound
HN 6.33: The Heptateuch of Eve - Part 5
HN 6.34: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Nineteenth Cycle, Skalday
HN 6.35: Pain
HN 6.36: Stalwart Against the Rot and Ruin
HN 6.37: Đó Có Sáu Bọn Tôi
HN 6.38: The Worth of a Soul
HN 6.39: Một Con Bù Nhìn Thua Trận Dưới Tay Hoa Dại
HN 6.40: Stories from a slightly stranger island
HN 6.41: Lost World
HN 6.42: space
HN 6.43: Liminal Houses
HN 6.44: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Twenty-First Cycle, Chroday
HN 6.45: Not Moved By The Flowers
HN 6.46: True Disciple
HN 6.47: WIW S3 e11
HN 6.48: Simply Shall Not Be
HN 6.49: Hot Cocoa
HN 6.50: The Alexandria Documents
HN 6.51: Philae 436
HN 6.52: Just One Mountain
HN 6.53: Warborne
HN 6.54: Eggshells
HN 6.55: Where Desert and City Met
HN 6.56: Heart Rot Chapter 3
HN 6.57: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Fourteenth Cycle, Tresday
HN 6.58: Not Recognized
HN 6.59: Compilation of Documents Relating to Foedissimum Os
HN 6.60: Items, Purchases, and Other Oddities Gathered by Agent Hopper on His Travels, as Catalogued by Archivist Silvia Haven (Abridged)
HN 6.61: Yorker under the sky
HN 6.62: Lands of the Plant Kingdom
HN 6.63: Strangled in Gaia's Crib
HN 6.64: Exodus and Eggs
HN 6.65: The Island Chapter 5
HN 6.66: Almost Eldritch
HN 6.67: Age of Atticus
HN 6.68: Of Cabbages and Kings
HN 6.69: Salvation
HN 6.70: First Day
HN 6.71: Fata Morgana
HN 6.72: Just Another Wanderer
HN 6.73: Of a Place And a Time
HN 6.74: Madame Deja Velough's Spell For Seeing Forgotten Cities
HN 6.75: Ice Kick
HN 6.76: Hông Của Lũ Ngốc
HN 6.77: Two Lovers, Underwater
HN 6.78: New Arrivals to Vitaras
HN 6.80: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Twenty-Third Cycle, Skyday
HN 6.81: Nữ Hoàng Của Vùng Đất Hoang
HN 6.82: Science Lacking Industry
HN 6.83: I Will Throw Open The Doors
HN 6.84: A Lost Wanderer's Note of Departure
HN 6.85: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Twenty-Fourth Cycle, Byrday
HN 6.86: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Nineteenth Cycle, Rokday
HN 6.87: The Cafe
HN 6.88: The Price Of Paradise
HN 6.89: Horrors of History: Balkans
HN 6.90: Being a True and Telling Record of the Last Days of Varius Avitus Bassianus, Antoninus iv, 24th Imperator of Rome.
HN 6.91: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Seventeenth Cycle, Byrday
HN 6.92: On What Strange Soil They've Fed
HN 6.93: Meathook
HN 6.95: A Visit
HN 6.96: Distance Yourself
HN 6.97: From Planet To Planet
HN 6.98: Souvenir
HN 6.99: For the Glory

Kệ Bác Sĩ Capulet: HN 7.00 - 7.99

Giữa những lời dối trá anh vang, giờ khỏa thân lạnh buốt và đơn côi, không ai vỗ về anh cả. Ngôi mộ được phủ về bởi đơn cây màu xanh cobalt, một hạt giống Montague nhổ phỉ vào xác anh. Bác sĩ đáng ra nên trải qua điều này, để biết được cái giá đắng cay của trò chơi thấu tâm.

HN 7.00: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Twenty Fourth Cycle, Erevday
HN 7.01: Yggdrasil
HN 7.02: Epilogue
HN 7.03: but quick to tell me goodbye
HN 7.04: Sorcery and Sorcerers
HN 7.05: Bladefish
HN 7.06: The Things You Find
HN 7.07: A Tale of Taniwha
HN 7.08: The Apple Salesman
HN 7.09: Ten Billion Sushi Dinners
HN 7.10: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Twenty Fourth Cycle, Marday
HN 7.11: The Grand Musician
HN 7.12: A Story About Stars
HN 7.13: Foreign Concepts
HN 7.14: Enroaching Shadow
HN 7.15: An Incident in the Final Battle of the Dead Kingdom's War
HN 7.16: Of the Archives
HN 7.17: Rememberance
HN 7.18: Armored Battalion Repair Depot 58
HN 7.19: Visit to the Diviner
HN 7.20: The Castle And The Mirror
HN 7.21: Starchild
HN 7.22: Are You
HN 7.23: Nonpareil
HN 7.24: Neither Rhyme Nor Reason
HN 7.25: Library Rat
HN 7.26: Deménos
HN 7.27: The Elemortals
HN 7.28: Conversing with an Argratian Swamp
HN 7.29: Ettot the Barbarian's Perilous Dragon-Slaying Adventure!
HN 7.30: Relating to Altered Surfaces
HN 7.31: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Nineteenth Cycle, Byrday
HN 7.32: Awakening
HN 7.33: If They Have Eyes
HN 7.34: A Story About Buckets
HN 7.35: A Letter To A Lost Love
HN 7.36: Little Red Hood
HN 7.37: Polari
HN 7.38: Vade Mecum
HN 7.39: The Wolf Who Wanted to be a Boy
HN 7.40: Memories Of The Past
HN 7.41: All Dead And Just Resting (3232)
HN 7.42: Icarus
HN 7.43: Cây Điên
HN 7.44: I Cannot Understand U
HN 7.45: Journal Entry: Countless Stones. Part I
HN 7.46: World's Shittiest Goblin
HN 7.47: Cracked Plastic
HN 7.48: The Darkness Inside
HN 7.49: More Than 300
HN 7.50: A Very Rounder Present for a Very Rounder 'Pede
HN 7.51: Tuyển Tập Về Những Con Mèo
HN 7.52: Rhythm
HN 7.53: A Little Bit Of Rounderpede
HN 7.54: We've Seen Their Kind Before
HN 7.55: A Brief Analysis of the Basic Methods
HN 7.56: Hurricane
HN 7.57: Volume One of 'Lost Wanderers'
HN 7.58: Butterflies
HN 7.59: Where the Sun Rises
HN 7.60: Library Duty
HN 7.61: The Heptateuch of Eve - Part 4
HN 7.62: Starlight On Steel
HN 7.63: Partial Visual Record of the Rediscovery
HN 7.64: The Campsite
HN 7.65: Drowning
HN 7.66: And I Was Present At The Death Of A God
HN 7.67: A Gentle Winter
HN 7.68: Homeland
HN 7.69: The Ride Never Ends
HN 7.70: A Letter to the Children
HN 7.71: Art Beyond Logic – Interview with Niemir Ruta, an Anartist
HN 7.72: Past the Witching Hour
HN 7.73: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Thirteenth Cycle, Erevday
HN 7.74: Master and Slave
HN 7.75: Quiet, Uneventful Affairs
HN 7.76: Pass Over The Sea
HN 7.77: The Hunter's Disappointment
HN 7.78: Fifth Elrichian National Party Manifest
HN 7.79: Saturnine
HN 7.80: A Cold Moon Sets On The Shelves
HN 7.81: Bodies Not Too Unlike Humanity
HN 7.82: Mưa Sẽ Rơi Trong Mỗi Cuộc Đời Con Người.
HN 7.83: Note Page
HN 7.84: The Mad Land
HN 7.85: Appendix's Day Out
HN 7.86: Places the Mind Cannot Go
HN 7.87: Lunar Mare
HN 7.88: And Now, a Bit of Conceptual Birdsong
HN 7.89: Burning Memories
HN 7.90: A Death in the Universe
HN 7.91: The Storm Is Passed
HN 7.92: The Bee
HN 7.93: Conversations With The Serpent
HN 7.94: Matchsticks
HN 7.95: Next In Line
HN 7.96: A Moment of Respite
HN 7.97: The Fae and the Wyrm
HN 7.98: Chapter 2: For Mirth
HN 7.99: A Reptilian Epilogue

Kệ Zikr Zalat: HN 8.00 - 8.99

Chúng được truyền tụng qua hàng trăm cuộc hành hương của New Arabia, trong những hang động lấp lánh ánh sao neon xếp vần tên Chúa. Đó là hồi ức được hun đúc trong cái buốt lạnh đem mai, đường lối trải dài trong tuyệt vọng khai hoang, dần thích nghi và học hỏi. Nhưng bây giờ ai còn nhớ người sáng lập của nó? Còn ai nhớ đến Zalat, ký ức chưa từng có của anh giờ tan thành cát bụi?

HN 8.00: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Sixteenth Cycle, Marday
HN 8.01: Coagulate
HN 8.02: Vladimir Stane
HN 8.03: Walls of Glass
HN 8.04: A Horse Has Divorce Of Course Of Course
HN 8.05: Karter Cane
HN 8.06: The Stream's Secret
HN 8.07: Before The Gateway
HN 8.08: Of Empty Ships And The Barren Oasis
HN 8.09: Skies Not Seen
HN 8.10: Life Of Glork
HN 8.11: Findings from the Excavation of New York City
HN 8.12: Tin Xấu
HN 8.13: Bridge Built of War Films
HN 8.14: Dro, First Rotation, 5099
HN 8.15: Tome A - Craters
HN 8.16: We're Hungry
HN 8.17: Of Almost-Lost Souls, Eavesdroppers in Vents, and Incredibly Deficient Training Programs
HN 8.18: Ahntem
HN 8.19: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Twenty-Second Cycle, Erevday
HN 8.20: Wind Dance Chapter 2
HN 8.21: Dragon-Maker
HN 8.22: The Last Testimony
HN 8.23: Of the Jailors and the Damned
HN 8.24: Black and White and Is My Face Red
HN 8.25: The Gang Puts Up Halloween Decorations
HN 8.26: Goodbye, Great Gargagol
HN 8.27: Sir Reginald Frankfurter De Dandy Carlyle Esq.
HN 8.28: Entomology
HN 8.29: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Seventeenth Cycle, Skyday
HN 8.30: Give 'Em the Old Razzle Dazzle
HN 8.31: Asking Nicely
HN 8.32: There is Dust on my Mind
HN 8.33: Books That Were Not Written
HN 8.34: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Fifteenth Cycle, Byrday
HN 8.35: A Quiet Invasion
HN 8.36: We Are Forgotten
HN 8.37: Class Trip
HN 8.38: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Twenty-Second Cycle, Skyday
HN 8.39: Overdue
HN 8.40: An Oddly Placed Door
HN 8.41: The Golden Goats
HN 8.42: The City From Afar
HN 8.43: Inscriptions Or Marginalia
HN 8.44: An Undead Hymn
HN 8.45: It's Good To Be Awake Again
HN 8.46: In Ink and Code
HN 8.47: Made A Little Playhouse In Your Soul
HN 8.48: Poems Without Authors: Memento Mori
HN 8.49: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Seventeenth Cycle, Erevday
HN 8.50: Heart Rot: Chapter 2
HN 8.51: The Floating Armada
HN 8.52: The Curator
HN 8.53: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Twenty-First Cycle, Skyday
HN 8.54: Hidden Corners Of Places
HN 8.55: Planasthai Investigative - Marsh and Greene, Pt. 1
HN 8.56: Don't Exist: A Sestina to a Fossil
HN 8.57: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Twenty-Third Cycle, Rokday
HN 8.58: I Have Fallen In Love
HN 8.59: Are you here?
HN 8.60: The Musician's Cat
HN 8.61: Wailing City
HN 8.62: A Conspiracy of Five
HN 8.63: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Twentieth Cycle, Skyday
HN 8.64: Historia Europa I
HN 8.65: Found Across The Sea
HN 8.66: Of Windows and Dementia
HN 8.67: A Knowledge of Roads
HN 8.68: Apollo's Exploration Book
HN 8.69: #PlanasthaiIsOverParty
HN 8.70: The Foolish One
HN 8.71: Anomalous Forces in Evolution
HN 8.72: Blackeyes
HN 8.73: Memocide
HN 8.74: A Guide to England's Railway Stations: Orlington
HN 8.75: I Work in the Sky
HN 8.76: Recollection
HN 8.77: Heart Rot: Chapter 4
HN 8.78: The Six Day Week, Being an Account of Simon Heller's Last Days in the Unwaking, Part Three
HN 8.79: Blackrock Coast Circuit
HN 8.80: A Judgement
HN 8.81: They Torment Us
HN 8.82: Musings on the 2014 Paris Exhibition
HN 8.83: The Hushing Forest
HN 8.84: The Greeter of Lowtown
HN 8.85: Written in Leaves
HN 8.86: Crossway Print: Issue #001
HN 8.87: Grab Hold Of Their Sweethearts
HN 8.88: The Kraken's Crackin'
HN 8.89: Letter
HN 8.90: Yearning and Prosperity
HN 8.91: Reflection of One's Lifetime
HN 8.92: A Letter From Lekter
HN 8.93: A Frightened Mother's Lovesong
HN 8.94: Eat or Be Eaten
HN 8.95: Remnant Of Another Future
HN 8.96: Take Another Shot
HN 8.97: And I Died
HN 8.98: From White Sparrow Lost Property Office
HN 8.99: A Deeper Truth

Kệ Núi Parliament HN 9.00 - 9.99

Cao vút kệ xưng dành riêng cho sân bay huy hoàng, nơi mà tất cả các cuộc xung đột của đại bàng bị trục xuất và tái sinh, nơi mà quần chúng tràn qua để đòi hỏi sự bất công cao cả, nơi cuối cùng hồi sinh những trận chiến huy hoàng của bay thể vút cao.

HN 9.00: The Tomb War
HN 9.01: This Season's Berries
HN 9.02: All Astronauts Go To Heaven
HN 9.03: Plenty Of Spaces
HN 9.05: A Beginners Guide to Metaphysical Architecture
HN 9.06: Sunset
HN 9.07: An Inescapable Truth
HN 9.08: Key To A New World
HN 9.09: Glass Apartments (For Janelle)
HN 9.10: Darling Jenny
HN 9.11: The Whispered Tales of People
HN 9.12: Flying Primate Theory
HN 9.13: Life, The Universe, & Everything
HN 9.14: Sedna V. Ataciara the Qaqulluk
HN 9.15: A Name on the Tip of My Tongue
HN 9.16: The Lake
HN 9.17: Every Story, Someday
HN 9.18: The Dragonslayer
HN 9.19: Orcus
HN 9.20: Warble
HN 9.21: Blink
HN 9.22: Gatherers
HN 9.23: How the Ocean Came to Burn
HN 9.24: The Child and the Drunkard
HN 9.25: He had always been watching the scenery beside the window, but now his head has fallen off, no more scenery for him
HN 9.26: L. Fuchs' Notable Findings: A Compendium — Volume I
HN 9.27: Writer's Block
HN 9.28: Toys
HN 9.29: The Six Day Week, Being an Account of Simon Heller's Last Days in the Unwaking, Part One
HN 9.30: I often think of the City; I often think of it when I am thinking of you.
HN 9.31: The Prophecy of Jedediah
HN 9.32: (1) New Voicemail
HN 9.33: Book Wyrms
HN 9.34: Thành Phố của Neverwere
HN 9.35: Morenita
HN 9.36: Genii Loci
HN 9.37: Seco
HN 9.38: The Island Chapter 1
HN 9.39: Calypso Rides Her Catamaran
HN 9.40: Snapdragon Sunset]
HN 9.41: Kiryu
HN 9.42: Of Candles and Coconut oil
HN 9.43: The Captain's Skull
HN 9.44: Mr. Midnight
HN 9.45: Interview With Jonathan Burnsbury
HN 9.46: The Comfort of the Library
HN 9.47: Hymns for the cruel wars
HN 9.48: Letters to a Prophet #2.5: Wrath of Frog
HN 9.49: Windenbrough Hustle
HN 9.50: The Tale Of The Brothers
HN 9.51: Kahek And The Seven Brothers
HN 9.52: Song of Sugar
HN 9.53: Journal Entry: Black Shuck
HN 9.54: Lớp Vỏ Màu Đỏ
HN 9.55: Beyond the Mountains
HN 9.56: Broken Vows
HN 9.57: The Hybrid
HN 9.58: Retrieved from Datacluster Found in Gloriana System
HN 9.59: The Flamin' Siren
HN 9.60: Stratosphere
HN 9.61: Novoathens Police Department
HN 9.62: No One Lives Forever
HN 9.63: And We Slipped Away
HN 9.65: Regarding Existence Or Extinction
HN 9.66: Seeing Stars
HN 9.67: A City Wrought of Silken Thread
HN 9.68: Working Overtime
HN 9.69: an ageusic vintner’s panegyric
HN 9.70: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Nineteenth Cycle, Erevday
HN 9.71: Xan, Second Rotation, 5099
HN 9.72: Battlefields
HN 9.73: The Tree of Alexandria
HN 9.74: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Nineteenth Cycle, Tresday
HN 9.75: The Adventures of Cousin Dan: The Big Date
HN 9.76: Beauty Of The Blue Clad
HN 9.77: We Did Not Fall In A Day
HN 9.78: The Advent of Space Toad
HN 9.79: Memories and Old Vinyl
HN 9.80: Start With a Ghost
HN 9.81: Poker Chips
HN 9.82: Cave Story
HN 9.83: Beer, Guns, Zombies and Madness
HN 9.84: Walking Among the Tree Flowers
HN 9.85: On Thursday We Leave For Home
HN 9.86: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Twentieth Cycle, Byrday
HN 9.87: Section 33: On Djinn and Traitors
HN 9.88: The Sea Sings of Hunger
HN 9.89: The Bibliovores
HN 9.90: Season's Greetings
HN 9.91: 81st Turn, Seventh Year, Seventeenth Cycle, Tresday
HN 9.92: Employ
HN 9.93: Open-minded class
HN 9.94: Omega Resigns
HN 9.95: Unfettered Alone
HN 9.96: Non-Existence Therapy
HN 9.97: A Blizzard Winterland
HN 9.98: Bloated and Stroked by the Tide
HN 9.99: Recollections Concerning The Late Lyle Burnley

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